Friday, October 7, 2011

Time Travel

When I was in school, the only thing I ever wanted was to get rid of heavy school-bags and grumpy home-works. And, bingo, the only way out then, at least to my faintest of the sorts of wisdom, was to finish off the school as soon as I can (though later I learnt that you actually need be to 15 to complete your SSC and my loving dad had relented to my wish 2 wind off the schooling and had my age compromised....oh yeah..welcome to India!).

And this devilish thought of mine never really stopped with school. Now that I was in Intermediate, I dreamed of being in a place where I did not need to mug up things and there I was, landed safely into an Engineering college. And the saga continued for I always dreamed of a job while I was in the university, of a Mr.Right when I ought to be working my head @ work and of job again when I actually married my Mr.Perfect!!

Now when I think of my time-travel marathon, I see that many a blissful moments came and went by in silence  mocking at my daftness of having missed enjoying those moments to their fullest. Or is it just the way we are programmed right from the childhood which goes on something like...Study hard for there are exams tomorrow...Do your exam well for only the rankers are privileged...Mug up things for these aint gonna help you in your job...Google the solution for the fix had to be gone by now!!!!! 

Pheww...If only we were taught "Follow your intuition" and "Live the moment" much before we had the brains to understand Dale Carnegie!!

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